**Game Client:** Reloaded
**Map:** Warhead
**Date/Time:** 12/21/2020 2:26
**Player name:** ShoujoRamune
**Offence:** Hacking
**Details:** This user is misusing programs to modify the game in his favor, the MODERATOR ELITE is also involved, he knows him and allowed him to use the program, when I indicated that I was going to report them they told me that they would remove me from the room, please take action on the matter, the KD of ShoujoRamune is very high due to the use of prohibited programs in the game, recommendation PERMANENT BAN AND ALSO TO THE MODERATOR ELITE (CoB-Extroyer) THAT allows this type of users.
**Video Proof:** https://youtu.be/4wYgk7zAgR8
**My IGN:** cat007tx
*Generated by https://www.ca-report.com*