**Game Client:** Reloaded
**Map:** Dredge
**Date/Time:** 03/16/2021 18:22
**Player name:** XiJinPin
**Offence:** Hacking
**Details:** player XiJinPin using EVIDENT HACK --- until when are they going to ban these obvious hackers? GM do your job, here a totally obvious hacker, he has a "wall hack", Speedhack and Chams, it is so evident that he shoots through walls with any weapon, he already has several complaints in the reloaded but the GMs do not verify the videos, the hacks are still active.
**My IGN:** elGatoXKiller
*Generated by https://www.ca-report.com*
**Map:** Dredge
**Date/Time:** 03/16/2021 18:22
**Player name:** XiJinPin
**Offence:** Hacking
**Details:** player XiJinPin using EVIDENT HACK --- until when are they going to ban these obvious hackers? GM do your job, here a totally obvious hacker, he has a "wall hack", Speedhack and Chams, it is so evident that he shoots through walls with any weapon, he already has several complaints in the reloaded but the GMs do not verify the videos, the hacks are still active.
**My IGN:** elGatoXKiller
*Generated by https://www.ca-report.com*