Basicly if there are glitches, bugs in the game and players use them - how on earth is it the responsibility of the players to pay attention to what is allowed and what not. Players use every edge there is to be better than the others. This is not on us, this is on the game developers. Yeah CA runs on come old engine - and that's why i have to limit myself in the way i outplay my opponent? Is it because it's "unfair"? Sorry to break it to you guys disagreeing but for me this is playing longer and knowing the game better than you do. Keep up with that.
[Do i think it should be allowed to glitch under the map? Hell no, shit like that actually kills the game, i'm talking about something like the boxes on Deathroom in midway, boxes on Water Strider on one specific site. If there are areas on the map, and small windows where you can shoot through, that's no the players responsibility, it's the game developers/owners responsibility. You can't expect a new players to come in, and read some random rule set, that is not even written somewhere officially. Imply that i'll accept it as it is for now, where just on every single map there are spots, i just don't see how players can be punished for peeking etc. It's the freaking game. ]
Basicly if there are glitches, bugs in the game and players use them - how on earth is it the responsibility of the players to pay attention to what is allowed and what not. Players use every edge there is to be better than the others. This is not on us, this is on the game developers. Yeah CA runs on come old engine - and that's why i have to limit myself in the way i outplay my opponent? Is it because it's "unfair"? Sorry to break it to you guys disagreeing but for me this is playing longer and knowing the game better than you do. Keep up with that.
[Do i think it should be allowed to glitch under the map? Hell no, shit like that actually kills the game, i'm talking about something like the boxes on Deathroom in midway, boxes on Water Strider on one specific site. If there are areas on the map, and small windows where you can shoot through, that's no the players responsibility, it's the game developers/owners responsibility. You can't expect a new players to come in, and read some random rule set, that is not even written somewhere officially. Imply that i'll accept it as it is for now, where just on every single map there are spots, i just don't see how players can be punished for peeking etc. It's the freaking game. ]