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Want to organize a Tournament with great rewards? Good news! VALOFE will be sponsoring all the Tournaments for Combat Arms: Reloaded! We will be providing 2 Million – 10 Million GP as rewards depends on how big the tournament will be made. You will need to provide all the information for your tournament.


Title of the Tournament:
Extra Rewards (if there is):


- All tournaments must have a minimum of 8 teams (five players per team)
- First to reserve a schedule for the observer will be the one accommodated
- Even if you reserved first but the information provided not complete you will not be accommodated
- Tournaments who will not follow the rules and cancelled their tournament will lose its chance to get the sponsorship from Combat Arms: Reloaded.
- Only organizers will serve as contact person in their Tournament
- Should have discord channel for your tournaments
- Tournament should only fall on Thursdays to Sundays CEST
- Change of schedules is not allowed
- Organizer should communicate with the GM’s always


- 2 Million GP – 10 Million GP ( may vary )
- Organizers will also receive compensation


- By joining this event and becoming a participant signifies that you automatically agree to all our terms and conditions.
- The decision of the GM is final and indisputable and we have the right to change any part of the mechanics including the prizes as we deem fit without prior notice.

***PLEASE CONTACT GM-LOOOP (Loop#4384 (discord)) and GM-Hidea (Hidea#4436 (discord)) for more information***