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Views:	1254
Size:	62.5 KB
ID:	23502


1.Server Stability

a.200% EXP & GP Boost for 2020.08.12 Maintenance for the rest of the day.
b.Basic Weapon Mystery Box Type A
c.Basic Gear Mystery Box Type A
•NOTE: MA Compensation can only obtain on the day of MA

3. New Item Released (Sale Period: 8.12 ~ 8.18)
a. Classicism Mystery Box
b. Classicism Mystery Box x5
c. Classicism Mystery Box x10
• Note: If you buy the x10, 1 permanent item is guaranteed.
d. Classicism Weapons Package
e. Scar Silver Dragon
f. Classicism AUG A1
g. Classicism DSR-1 Subsonic
h. Classicism MP5SD6

4. World Conquest Event
a. Period: 8/12~8/18
b. Clan occupation is added to the World Conquest event.
c. Members of the clan cannot choose between JSF and CREED, and it is automatically determined which side they belong to.
d. When JSF occupies the map, the JSF clan that played the most active role on the map gets additional rewards, and when CREED occupies the map, the CREED clan receives additional rewards.

5. Clan Experience can be obtained through regular play rather than in Clan Wars only.
a. Users who have joined a clan will earn 1 Clan EXP even when playing Pure/General/Fireteams rather than from Clan Wars only.

6. Clan Attendance Reward Added
a. Users that logged on everyday will receive EXP, GP bonus, and Clan Metal. If a new member joined the clan the previous day, that member will receive the Clan Attendance reward the next day of logging in.
b. Clan Attendance reward increase as the Level of the Clan increases.

7. Clan Exchange Shop Reorganization
a. Clan Metal exchange rates increases in relation with the Clan's Level.