Hello Rangers, This is Agent Irina, I have a mission for you;
I need thebest CAC players to complete this mission and I want you to help me.
In the past weeks we are posting this evidence in Discord (https://discord.gg/combatarms) on '#Agent-Irina-Investigation" and we need the most talented rangers for that;
Post and tag us withCREATIVE videos of your top plays so far; we are going to pick thetop 3 best players of Combat Arms Classic, Don't forget to put your IGN and #CombatArmstheClassicTopPlays #CACTopPlays
*note: Video should be 60 sec to 90 sec only. (Video with highest LIKES will win the event)
and in return Agent Irina will reward you!
what is it? JOIN to find out !!
Good luck Rangers.
(Event Duration is from 11/25/2022 to 12/01/2022 - Announcementof thewinner is on 12/02/2022)
If u got any question feel free to reply in this thread