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Bubba's Secret Stash - Retro Pop X Wild Rebel

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  • Bubba's Secret Stash - Retro Pop X Wild Rebel

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Name:	1200x630.jpg
Views:	29840
Size:	650.7 KB
ID:	67652Bubba's Secret Stash - Retro Pop XWild Rebel

    Get a chance to get the new retro pop and wild rebel weapon series.

    Here's the list of the item you can get in Bubba's Secret Stash.

    Item Name
    5-Shot Case (N)
    Boss Battle Ticket 3
    Boss Battle Ticket 3 x 3
    Boss Battle Ticket 2
    Boss Battle Ticket
    Super Megaphone
    Striker Mutagen
    Crusher Mutagen
    Combat Pass Exp + 1k
    Combat Pass Exp + 5k
    Bonus EXP (800%)+GP (500%) Pass
    Bonus EXP (800%)+GP (500%) Pass x 10
    Ghost HiSec Key
    Ghost HiSec Key x 7
    Respawn Token x 1
    Party Respawn Token x 1
    Malevolent Beauty MSR (1 Day)
    Malevolent Beauty MSR (7 Days
    Malevolent Beauty MSR (30 Days)
    Malevolent Beauty MSR (90 Days)
    Malevolent Beauty MSR (Permanent)
    Agent 13 SG550 (1 Day)
    Agent 13 SG550 (7 Days)
    Agent 13 SG550 (30 Days)
    Agent 13 SG550 (90 Days)
    Agent 13 SG550 (Permanent)
    Agent 13 P220 SE (1 Day)
    Agent 13 P220 SE (7 Days)
    Agent 13 P220 SE (30 Days)
    Agent 13 P220 SE (90 Days)
    Agent 13 P220 SE (Permanent)
    Agent 13 M11 Tactical Knife (1 Day)
    Agent 13 M11 Tactical Knife (7 Days)
    Agent 13 M11 Tactical Knife (30 Days)
    Agent 13 M11 Tactical Knife (90 Days)
    Agent 13 M11 Tactical Knife (Permanent)
    RetroPop FMG-9 (7 Days)
    RetroPop FMG-9 (30 Days)
    RetroPop FMG-9 (90 Days)
    RetroPop FMG-9 (Permanent)
    RetroPop Tango 51 (7 Days)
    RetroPop Tango 51 (30 Days)
    RetroPop Tango 51 (90 Days)
    RetroPop Tango 51 (Permanent)
    RetroPop UZI (7 Days)
    RetroPop UZI (30 Days)
    RetroPop UZI (90 Days)
    RetroPop UZI (Permanent)
    WildRebel AK-74U (7 Days)
    WildRebel AK-74U (30 Days)
    WildRebel AK-74U (90 Days)
    WildRebel AK-74U (Permanent)
    WildRebel L85A1 (7 Days)
    WildRebel L85A1 (30 Days)
    WildRebel L85A1 (90 Days)
    WildRebel L85A1 (Permanent)
    WildRebel Chain Saw (7 Days)
    WildRebel Chain Saw (30 Days)
    WildRebel Chain Saw (90 Days)
    WildRebel Chain Saw (Permanent)

    Using Special Points in "INCREDIBLE BOXES"

    Click image for larger version

Views:	282
Size:	16.2 KB
ID:	67654

    will guarantee 4 items of the following:

    Malevolent Beauty MSR (90 Days)
    Malevolent Beauty MSR (Permanent)
    Agent 13 SG550 (90 Days)
    Agent 13 SG550 (Permanent)
    Agent 13 P220 SE (90 Days)
    Agent 13 P220 SE (Permanent)
    Agent 13 M11 Tactical Knife (90 Days)
    Agent 13 M11 Tactical Knife (Permanent)
    RetroPop FMG-9 (90 Days)
    RetroPop FMG-9 (Permanent)
    RetroPop Tango 51 (90 Days)
    RetroPop Tango 51 (Permanent)
    RetroPop UZI (90 Days)
    RetroPop UZI (Permanent)

    Get your weapon package in Bubba's Secret Stash now!!
    Please follow us on:
    Attached Files
    Combat Arms & Black Squad Operation Team