Greetings Lords!
We are calling all active guilds to participate in a upcoming Guild Raid Tournament this month!
Kindly read the mechanics below for more details
1. We would like to invite all guilds who wants to participate in our upcoming Guild Tournament to recruit members. (
2. To be able to receive a guild invitation from us, be sure that your guild is on full house (20/20).
3. The Guild Leader will be the one who will paste a screenshot of their guild verifying that they are complete with the required number of members.
4. Another verification needed for each guild to receive an invite is for the Guild Leader to comment a screenshot of the attendance log of its members in the mega thread of the event.
5. The attendance log is needed for a fair reasoning that participating guilds have active members.
Comment Application Format:
Guild Name:
Guild Leader Name:
Screenshots displaying all 20 members of participating guild. (7 pictures in total)
***Note1: Screenshots should be clear for everyone to view it properly.
***Note2: Any Photoshopped or edited screenshots will cause your participating guild to be automatically disqualified in participating the current and future events.
***Note3: Violation of the note above will also cause you to be banned.