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Classic Ca or New Ca ?? !!

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  • #16
    CaptainSting I really do not know if Reload wanted to prevent it, but so far they manage to get people out instead of to prevent it


    • #17
      Reloaded was the last nail in the coffin for me. I played a few matches every now and then but the soul of the game is gone now. I'm just waiting to see what Valofe will do with this game. I do agree that pre reloaded was p2w but they could have implemented fixes on the old client and GUI. Graphics update was not needed in all honesty. Poll rate and vivox could have been added to the old client. Bugs and glitches could have been fixed in the old client. Each and every game mode could have had different stats as to satisfy that certain community in each game mode. Each stats in each mode would be fair of course. EM and SEM are different topics and to be honest an extremely decent anti hack would fix most of the script kiddie problems. This is just my two cents however, what is done is done.


      • #18
        Yes that's what I'm just talking about.
        VALOFE thought he'd done better, but if they want to have a really active game, just do the OLAT CA. And do not make a vote that will not go well because I wonder where VALOFE wants to take active 100,000 people, it's just impossible ... Let them know that the 16% who are active on the game are interested in the game. just CA will never be CA until it's old


        • #19
          hi guys the problems is the players i will explaind you in the past we had elite and s-elite too kick hackers unfair players etc and i know are alot abusers but they got bann for abusing after when the Nexon make the merge CA was dead because all from south america NA was playing with us and they are lagging alot. in the old CA was amazing fun with abusers hackers and was more the 3 millll players and i remember all servers was full but now in this days how many players they still playing this game? 200k players? thats why the old CA was more fun and better but for VALOFE to put again they have ti make alot thinks in this game and im not so sure if they put old CA will be better so is the same


          • #20
            I keep with reloaded


            • #21
              Originally posted by CaptainSting View Post
              Who gives a ƒuck if you ego-tripping free running ƒaggots can't make your shitty montages anymore? They took zero skill and your 30% speed nade spamming ruined the whole mode. Explosives were also broken outside of Quarantine to the point where you could easily go 2.0 KD by mindlessly tossing nades and launching rockets and don't just say "You should turn off explosives" because that wasn't an option for many game modes and it isn't an good enough excuse for explosives to be as broken as they were.
              And not forget that they allowed human mutagen but disallowed zombie mutagen lmao.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Paja145 View Post
                Why is the new CA simply better spoken.
                It's nice to try and get some updates, graphics, etc., but now it's just in ... reasons are simply, for example: QR (Quarantine Regen) are dead grenades from 120 damage to 72? that poor, and about other things I do not even say mines 20 damage ?? this is a serious thing nowadays the players are mutagens crusher, striker and it is not even kill then ... By the way, all montage are RIP is already.

                And I do not understand why VALOFE did not leave the old CA, I see seeing new graphics, look, and you think it's nice that's yes, but maybe not for those players!
                Why you simply did not leave the old CA and voted for a new CA that would fail 100%.

                As far as the ballot is concerned, I do not know where you want to take 100,000 votes, which is impossible when 3/4 has stopped playing for the new CA.

                Maybe it's all just for business, but if you really want to make money, give the old CA. Because now will never spend 400,500,600,300,800 thousand NX (GC), but now it's all for GP which is all about .....

                Please go to vote all for old CA !! VOTED EVERYDAY AND MAKE COMBAT ARMS AGAING TOPPPP
                Last 5 days 13 hours
                Do Combat Arms turn OPPPPP !!!

                And VALOFE, please, get your reason and do something for those players! because the old CA was TOP !!
                I personally enjoy being able to slaughter humans with ease.

