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1 important question about CA ClassiC

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  • 1 important question about CA ClassiC

    when ca classic come back what will happen for our characters ?? our characters will transfer from reloaded to classic or we need to create new character ?? plz any Moderator answer

  • #2
    It seems as if they will be able to downgrade/unpatch from reload. This being said, they know for a fact that no one will want to start from scratch even though Most want Classic. They are starting a beta to make sure everything is running smooth and with as less bugs as possible. I'm pretty sure our accounts will be fine.


    • skaymancer
      skaymancer commented
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      i hope you right man

  • #3
    Originally posted by liquidsin74 View Post
    It seems as if they will be able to downgrade/unpatch from reload. This being said, they know for a fact that no one will want to start from scratch even though Most want Classic. They are starting a beta to make sure everything is running smooth and with as less bugs as possible. I'm pretty sure our accounts will be fine.
    thats what I think as well.. we're reaching 50k very soon tho


    • #4
      I hope so, otherwise I won't be playing.


      • #5
        Originally posted by Foofoo14 View Post
        I hope so, otherwise I won't be playing.
        same with me... all of us just want a old good game and fair game.. not like this RE...


        • Spambox1
          Spambox1 commented
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          "old good game and fair game"
          Have you been living under a rock?
          The old versions of combat arms was far from fair, the best weapons was only accessable though nx, weapon balance was not a thing, elites abusing the function was done in such a multitude nexon couldnt even process the amount of reports done and thats just a few of the things your calling "fair" right now.

      • #6
        No one knows what is going to happen, just wait for an official announcement.


        • #7
          Yes but they must fix alot of things in OLD ca when they bring it back, cause there is alot of mistakes too.

