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Name Recycling

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  • Name Recycling

    Something that has been plaguing new users or anyone using a name change is names that were taken by users that no longer have the name are not recycled back into the naming system. Here are the problems that it causes:
    • New users seeking to use names that were taken by accounts that no longer have that name cannot repurpose the name and as such, it is wasted.
    • Users seeking to change the capitalization of their current name can't just buy another name change and instead are stuck with their name forever.
    • Account data for past names is preserved despite the fact that it's literally junk data that only the CBL utilized back under Nexon service.

    • Add a recursive script to your database that activates once an account changes its name, deleting all account data for the copy made after a name change. Also have a 1-5 minute cooldown period for that name where it is unavailable to be changed to, so that way no glitches occur

      For people seeking to change capitalization, have a script play to check if the user already has the name in question and allow the user to change the capitalization.

      A prerequisite for all of this would be to check the account data of all the accounts to sort which ones are not being used due to a name change:

      Utilize the "Name changed" flag in your database to identify the accounts that should be deleted (the one that CBL used)

      If for some reason the Name Changed flag is gone, just compare the login dates for accounts that had the same email. If one is more recent than the other, allow the less recent one to be deleted after a short time frame of recognizing that the emails were the same and were logged in at differing times. This forces a name changer to relog to allow their old name to be available, but it's a simple script to implement.
    If you just put about an hour or two after reading this suggestion to whip up a script you can easily sneak into the next maintenance, a very antiquated and long standing problem in combat arms could be fixed​​​​. I doubt this will have any big impact on the server speeds/optimization considering ideally you could just run a non continuous version of the routine before a maintenance and have a second, semicontinuous routine run after someone changes their name.

    Please consider supporting this suggestion, that's the only hope Valofe will acknowledge it and help us fix some of the problems of CA.
    Yes I would like name recycling
    No I would not like name recycling
    Last edited by squizxyhyojin; 11-28-2017, 04:15 PM.

  • #2
    Good idea, I support

