Hi, Im GonzaloARG (my account is in pending transfer process) , Im from Argentina, sorry for my bad english. I've been playing this game since 7 years ago, I love it. But, I think its very uncomfortable and especially UNFAIR playing with high ping (300ms) because my geographical position. :'(
South American players have this big problem, we have 200-300ms PING.
In this image link you can see what Im talking about: https://scontent.faep8-2.fna.fbcdn.n...e1&oe=5A1B27EB
Its UNFAIR because EU or NA players always sees you first, imagine playing with sniper, they have always advantage.
Also consider the missed shots, I think 2/10 shots are missed because delay/lagg.
All I want to request to VALOFE CA managers, is a server in South America, think it would be a very good improve for this "New" Combat Arms. <3
If lots of games like Counter Strike GO, Call of Duty, Battlefield, PUBG, etc has servers in south america, why not Combat Arms ? I think it would convert CA in a more knowed and competitive game.
I know that already exist COMBAT ARMS BRASIL, but you can only play there with Brasilian IP (there are another +10 countrys in South America).
Think about all the South American players. We are a lot. Im actually not playing, because its makes me really sad be the first who hit the enemy but he kills me anyway because lagg (especially playing with Sniper)
DEV TEAM, please I want a answer , YES or NO ? Thank you and sorry for my bad english.
South American players have this big problem, we have 200-300ms PING.
In this image link you can see what Im talking about: https://scontent.faep8-2.fna.fbcdn.n...e1&oe=5A1B27EB
Its UNFAIR because EU or NA players always sees you first, imagine playing with sniper, they have always advantage.
Also consider the missed shots, I think 2/10 shots are missed because delay/lagg.
All I want to request to VALOFE CA managers, is a server in South America, think it would be a very good improve for this "New" Combat Arms. <3
If lots of games like Counter Strike GO, Call of Duty, Battlefield, PUBG, etc has servers in south america, why not Combat Arms ? I think it would convert CA in a more knowed and competitive game.
I know that already exist COMBAT ARMS BRASIL, but you can only play there with Brasilian IP (there are another +10 countrys in South America).
Think about all the South American players. We are a lot. Im actually not playing, because its makes me really sad be the first who hit the enemy but he kills me anyway because lagg (especially playing with Sniper)
DEV TEAM, please I want a answer , YES or NO ? Thank you and sorry for my bad english.