FM_C4Valentines_ | Permanent | Impersonating |
Firaspro | Permanent | Hacking |
JordanRD21 | Permanent | Hacking |
ENVERFURKAN | 7 Days | Harassment |
_O_Y_U_N__BOZAN | Permanent | Hacking |
Tr_ALBAY | Permanent | Account selling |
YouDieNow | 30 Days | Chat ban |
DedLogoped | Permanent | Hacking |
k1cknaxyj | Permanent | Hacking |
FM_Trones | Permanent | FM Impersonation |
____________Neo | Permanent | Other |
Megnatarr | Permanent | Other |
StupidAsshole | Permanent | Name Abuse |
DUXK | 15 Days | MP Abuse |
Crusifix | Permanent | Hacking |
_DR4G0ST3_______ | 30 Days | Powerleveling |
_The_Be4uty_____ | 15 Days | Powerleveling |
__R3pliK4ti0N___ | 15 Days | Powerleveling |
D0nt_Cry_Bayb3_ | 15 Days | Powerleveling |
__M4sT3rP0nix___ | 45 Days | Powerleveling |
__Th30nlyOn3___ | 30 Days | Powerleveling |
s4k4KAKA | 15 Days | Powerleveling |
CleVeR2K | Permanent | Hacking |
xX_X_Xx | Permanent | Hacking |
QQ-GG11 | Permanent | Hacking |
Apo_El_Chapo | 30 Days | MP Abuse |
Uncanged | 15 Days | Exploit |
puritex | 15 Days | Unfair Play |
Rolling_Thunder | 15 Days | MP Abuse |
__JOKE__ | Permanent | Other |
JAWBONE2KILLL | Permanent | Hacking |
Sykasambyka | Permanent | Hacking |
ImNotHackerREAL | Permanent | Hacking |
Braszka90099 | Permanent | Hacking |
_TRW_ | Permanent | Hacking |
XaRoTa69 | Permanent | Hacking |
Tu_padre_omar | Permanent | Hacking |
Devasting_ | Permanent | Hacking |
lArman | Permanent | Hacking |
Maverick6 | 30 Days | Harassment |
mohammedbigboss | 15 Days | Exploit |
Kelltex | 15 Days | Powerleveling |
kelltex5 | 15 Days | Powerleveling |
_LmaoPlayer_ | 15 Days | Powerleveling |
DieInPain | 15 Days | Powerleveling |
xSlowZerox | 15 Days | Powerleveling |
FallingAngel | 15 Days | Powerleveling |
Pe3kTrashN00obs | Permanent | Hacking |
GR3CIA | Permanent | Hacking |
uniqueDEATH | Permanent | Hacking |
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