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Kaspersky is causing problem with in game messenger

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  • Kaspersky is causing problem with in game messenger

    Hi all!

    Since August 2018 I have problem with in game messenger. At first I thought it's one of issues Valofe was aware and I kept ignoring it until they fix it with next patch. But month later it was persisting. I reinstalled game twice but it didn't help. Then, thanks to sticky note here, I've found out my AV, Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2018, is causing this issue. Unfortunately, there's no instruction how to deal with that AV specifically and trying to exclude both CA:R folder and NMService.exe is not working. Trusted applications too. Even disabling temporarily protection didn't help. I can log in to messenger only when there's no Kaspersky process running.

    Maybe someone with Kaspersky AV also has this issue and managed to solve this? Please help, waiting over minute to get into game is irritating!

  • #2
    Did you try to contact Kaspersky AV support and complain about this problem and ask for support to solve it?


    • #3
      Originally posted by AveBeli View Post
      Did you try to contact Kaspersky AV support and complain about this problem and ask for support to solve it?
      No, not yet. I guess it's the best I can do as no one has posted solution here.


      • #4
        I personally encounter the same issue with Kaspsersky which is giving the NMCO error and blockes the NMService.exe. Issue is, it's not only related to Kasksperky but also to some other AV programs. I even know one player who is getting this error without any extra AV beside Defender.

        So the issue seem to be somewhere else, VALOFE is aware of it and it is still under investigation. We need to wait for a fix.

        You Knife098 as Kaspersky user have one option for a workaround meanwhile. You can turn off Kaspersky before going online, then you NMService.exe is not getting blocked and you don't encounter the error.
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