We are inviting you to join our Operation: CWT (Combat Week Tournament) to compete and get a chance to win bonus GCoins!
Operation: CWT 5vs5 SnD Tournament
Cup Date: Friday, May 18
NA: 1:00 PM (EST) 10:00 AM (PDT)
EU: 7:00 PM (CEST)
AUS: 3:00 AM (AEST)
[Registration Deadline]
Friday, May 18
NA: 11:00 AM (EST) 8:00AM (PDT)
EU: 5:00 PM (CEST)
AUS: 1:00 AM (AEST)
Team Sign up: https://bit.ly/2jU4fxn
Tournament Rules: https://bit.ly/2IzWV8j
FAQ: https://bit.ly/2GcjdI2
Website: https://bit.ly/2Ikldj2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valofe.combatarms.reloaded/photos/a.274258889759361.1073741828.265670777284839/381004499084799/?type=3&theater
Discord: https://discord.gg/Q9chdrY
Twitch Stream: Will be announced on discord
*Tournament Prize will be revealed after bracketing is settled*
Discord Contact:
vThrones#1963, vLoop#4384, DaLastOne#7789, ___imJIDIC#1980