Stand fast Soldier!
You ain’t trick or treat’in this Halloween, Soldier. Coz, we got the treats, so show us your tricks!
You are elite!
Treat: Halloween 100% EXP and GP Boost
Event Period (10/28 ~ 11/03)
We gone this far reading the packet, so we’ll throw in some more. We are raising the gain a top the gain. Earn more EXP and GP, while enjoying the Halloween season. Get 100% EXP and GP boost as rewards for simply playing.
Treat: Halloween Metal Giveaway
Event Period (10/28 ~ 11/03)
We ain’t stopping yet. We are dropping in more candy for your basket, well, in the form of Halloween Metals.
You need to collect these Halloween Metals and exchange them for very special items on the Halloween Tab of the Exchange Shop.
But there’s a catch! What’s the catch you might ask?! You’ll only be able to obtain these Halloween Metals by spending 2 minutes of gameplay in any game mode. This means the more time you play, the more metals you’ll earn. It’s really that simple.
Trick: Pumpkin Head Invasion
Event Period (10/28 ~ 11/03)
Code Red!
This is not a drill.
Perimeter monitoring systems picked up large hordes of “pumpkin”-headed hostiles heading this way!
Suit up and take them all out.
Eliminate all hostiles, Pumpkin-headed or none-Pumpkin head in Fireteam modes. Take special notice on the Pumpkin-headed zombies in the Quarantine areas as they might bring in something nasty.
Join in and have fun with our Halloween events. No tricks, just treats!