Attention Rangers!
The Headquarters offers you a very convenient way to earn your favorite weapons just by casting your vote through Facebook reactions. Visit our Facebook Page [Here]
● Event Period: June 15, - June 29, 2021
● Mechanics:
1. Pick your preferred weapons just by clicking the corresponding reaction of your choice.
2. There will be five winners from (like, heart, care, wow) reactions. A total of 20 winners. To be eligible, please follow the mechanics.
3. Post the following details in the comment section of the event banner:
My favorite #CACJuneWeapons is ____________ , your IGN.
4. Sample entry ”My favorite #CACJuneWeapons is L85A1 MOD CAMO, IGN: CaCRocks"
2. There will be five winners from (like, heart, care, wow) reactions. A total of 20 winners. To be eligible, please follow the mechanics.
3. Post the following details in the comment section of the event banner:
My favorite #CACJuneWeapons is ____________ , your IGN.
4. Sample entry ”My favorite #CACJuneWeapons is L85A1 MOD CAMO, IGN: CaCRocks"
● Rewards: The rewards would be the player’s weapon of choice (14 days).
1.Like emoji: ACR Blacksnake (Rare).
2.Heart emoji: AK-74M Gold-Plated (Rare).
3.Care emoji: AUG A3 SE (Rare)
4.Wow emoji: L85A1 MOD CAMO (Rare).
See you on the battlefield Rangers!