This is VALOFE Fantasy War Tactics R Team,
Dear Lords, we would like to share the guide for those players who uses NAVER and E-mail to log-in and having some issue with the transfer process.
- For Lords who couldn’t access to own accounts with Transfer ID, created before the Transfer day.
we will process all users who will send their request through VALOFE CS (
We will manually transfer your accounts in order for you to play again.
Just provide the following information below and send it to our VALOFE CS.
Transfer ID:
Transfer PW:
Lord Name (IGN):
- For Lords who forgot their Transfer ID,
Please send an e-mail to VALOFE CS Center ( with the following information.
Lord name (IGN):
To protect user information, some letters of Transfer ID will be hidden.
- For Lords who couldn’t create a Transfer ID during NEXON service.
Our deepest apology, but it’s impossible to restore these accounts. The transfer process is set to a limited time only with some requirement (create transfer ID) and therefore we shall continue with the service with those users who only make it through and agreed to the transfer process.
We, at VALOFE understands you and we hope that this announcement and the guides mentioned will help and clear the current questions regarding with Transfer ID issue.
Thank you,