March 24th to April 7th
Dragon Cosplayer Event
You know there’s a season where people tend to dress up and be someone else… This is not that season! Meet Maharjohonahel a cosplayer who only dresses up as a dragon, because why not, Right? He has exciting quests that will challenge you and you might get to dress up as a bear or a unicorn one of these days, so come on down!
NPC: Maharjohonahel
(Note: All the quests need to be accomplished with Legendary Difficulty)
Quest 1: [Event][Daily] Cosplayer Costume Material Gathering I
Objective: Defeat Emberstone Golem (Lavalight Cave)
Rewards: Cosplay Trading Card x1
Quest 2: [Event][Daily] Cosplayer Costume Material Gathering II
Objective: Defeat Carleon (Carleon's Manor)
Rewards: Cosplay Trading Card x1
Quest 3: [Event][Daily] Cosplayer Costume Material Gathering III
Objective: Defeat Chief Sinthan (Ruins of Matren)
Rewards: Cosplay Trading Card x1
Optional Quest: [Event] Dragon Person???
Objective: Defeat Duke Elder (Elder Bastion)
Rewards: Cosplay Trading Card x3
Good luck and enjoy the events!