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Ellora Shop Update for March 10, 2022

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  • Ellora Shop Update for March 10, 2022

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    Ellora's Shop Update for March 10, 2022
    Package Tab
    Package name Description Gcoins
    Scarlet Avian Package Contains the following item(s):

    Mount: Crimson Poyo x1
    Crimson Poyo Familiar Shard x2

    Can be purchased 5 times per account.
    Candy Bird Feed (500 Pack) Contains the following item(s):

    Candy Bird Feed x500

    Can be purchased Once per account.
    Lucky Box Tab
    Lucky Box Name Description Gcoins
    Birds of Prey Lucky Box May contain one of the following items:

    Mount: Crimson Poyo
    Crimson Poyo Familiar Shard
    Mount: Cobalt Poyo
    Mount: Bumblebee Poyo
    Large Familiar EXP Potion (25 Pack)
    Ellun (85 Pack)
    Ellun (40 Pack)
    Ellun (10 Pack)
    Epic Golden Tincture
    Sublime Golden Tincture
    Golden Tincture
    Megaphone (10 Pack)
    Birds of Prey Lucky Box (10+1) Contains the following item(s):

    Birds of Prey Lucky Box x11
    Birds of Prey Lucky Box (10+3) Contains the following item(s):

    Birds of Prey Lucky Box x13

    Can be purchased 2 times per account.
    Birds of Prey Lucky Box (10+5) Contains the following item(s):

    Birds of Prey Lucky Box x15

    Can be purchased once per account.
    Outfit Tab
    Outfit Name Description Gcoins
    Ikamen Costume and Emote Package Contains the Following items:

    Ikamen Red
    Ikamen Black
    Ikamen Blue
    Ikamen Yellow
    Ikamen Pink

    These costumes can let you use the Costume Pose Emote in the Action List (L).
    Ikamen Costume Package Contains the Following items:

    Ikamen White
    Ikamen Purple
    Ikamen Green

    These costumes CANNOT let you use the Costume Pose Emotes in the Action List (L).
    Ikamen Ultimate Package Contains the Following items:

    Ikamen Red
    Ikamen Black
    Ikamen Blue
    Ikamen Yellow
    Ikamen Pink
    Ikamen White
    Ikamen Purple
    Ikamen Green

    Only Red, Black, Blue, Yellow and Pink can let you use the Costume Pose Emote in the Action List (L). White, Purple and Green CANNOT let you access this emote.
    Familiar Tab
    Familiar Name Price
    Pet: Doug the French Bulldog 1499
    Pet: Rugg the French Bulldog 1499
    Pet: Fog the French Bulldog 1499
    Pet: McTimon the Bull 1499
