I stopped playing bit after valofe took over, played classic few days and quit...
I did hear that some things are better now, you can actually access inventory in lobby ! Huge step froward, are some changes to matchmaking making this game again (for gods sake) custom room based game. But completely removing it (I heard they removed it, not sure)? It did have its good sides, why remove functionality what kind of works ?
I see some kind of grade have been added, on paper sounds it may be good thing, have not tested in practice...
So can someone answer to this lazy possible player who may or may not return to this game:
1) Is elite moderation or some kind of room moderation what can limit weapons used in room coming back ?
This was biggest reloaded issue for me - game for me was always moderated by person (more or less trustworthy) what can kick players, there is room rules (mainly only weapons limitation, I do hate snd room rules like no rush, no plant and s**t like that, no op guns... while using g36.. ok..)
2) Are hackers gone ?
From what I heard due to change of hackshield lot of old hacks were working again and needed slight modifications. If hacker is smart you cant detect him, but if hack is widespread there will be 'smart' people who will abuse it, therefore giving up fact that hack is available.
3)Have guns been renerfed ? I do remember explosives nerf what killed quarantine and my rpg+law tactic. Have at least explosives been returned back to being explosives not light massage to back?
4) Is inventory and shop actually usable from lobby ? The UI of interface was fine with me, but fact you needed to go out to change was BS..
5) Have matchmaking been removed completely ? (I hope not, it was fun time by time)
6) Have clan matches been fixed ? (I remember they had some issue, what kind not sure...)
7) Are there any players ? I am mainly elim pro player and play fire team (Not zombie ones). If player base is low, chance there will be room is also low.
8) Is game playable and enjoyable ? Is it still good old CA ? (game was never great, but lets hope it is at least playable)
9) Have room count limit changed, I remember that being issue, but that may have been classic.
10) About desert thunder - Have the rpg for NPCs fixed ? I remember them hitting to full damage while we had nerfed RPGs...
Thanks, hope for answers
I did hear that some things are better now, you can actually access inventory in lobby ! Huge step froward, are some changes to matchmaking making this game again (for gods sake) custom room based game. But completely removing it (I heard they removed it, not sure)? It did have its good sides, why remove functionality what kind of works ?
I see some kind of grade have been added, on paper sounds it may be good thing, have not tested in practice...
So can someone answer to this lazy possible player who may or may not return to this game:
1) Is elite moderation or some kind of room moderation what can limit weapons used in room coming back ?
This was biggest reloaded issue for me - game for me was always moderated by person (more or less trustworthy) what can kick players, there is room rules (mainly only weapons limitation, I do hate snd room rules like no rush, no plant and s**t like that, no op guns... while using g36.. ok..)
2) Are hackers gone ?
From what I heard due to change of hackshield lot of old hacks were working again and needed slight modifications. If hacker is smart you cant detect him, but if hack is widespread there will be 'smart' people who will abuse it, therefore giving up fact that hack is available.
3)Have guns been renerfed ? I do remember explosives nerf what killed quarantine and my rpg+law tactic. Have at least explosives been returned back to being explosives not light massage to back?
4) Is inventory and shop actually usable from lobby ? The UI of interface was fine with me, but fact you needed to go out to change was BS..
5) Have matchmaking been removed completely ? (I hope not, it was fun time by time)
6) Have clan matches been fixed ? (I remember they had some issue, what kind not sure...)
7) Are there any players ? I am mainly elim pro player and play fire team (Not zombie ones). If player base is low, chance there will be room is also low.
8) Is game playable and enjoyable ? Is it still good old CA ? (game was never great, but lets hope it is at least playable)
9) Have room count limit changed, I remember that being issue, but that may have been classic.
10) About desert thunder - Have the rpg for NPCs fixed ? I remember them hitting to full damage while we had nerfed RPGs...
Thanks, hope for answers