Why is the new CA simply better spoken.
It's nice to try and get some updates, graphics, etc., but now it's just in ... reasons are simply, for example: QR (Quarantine Regen) are dead grenades from 120 damage to 72? that poor, and about other things I do not even say mines 20 damage ?? this is a serious thing nowadays the players are mutagens crusher, striker and it is not even kill then ... By the way, all montage are RIP is already.
And I do not understand why VALOFE did not leave the old CA, I see seeing new graphics, look, and you think it's nice that's yes, but maybe not for those players!
Why you simply did not leave the old CA and voted for a new CA that would fail 100%.
As far as the ballot is concerned, I do not know where you want to take 100,000 votes, which is impossible when 3/4 has stopped playing for the new CA.
Maybe it's all just for business, but if you really want to make money, give the old CA. Because now will never spend 400,500,600,300,800 thousand NX (GC), but now it's all for GP which is all about .....
Please go to vote all for old CA !! https://combatarms-c.valofe.eu/ VOTED EVERYDAY AND MAKE COMBAT ARMS AGAING TOPPPP
Last 5 days 13 hours
Do Combat Arms turn OPPPPP !!!
And VALOFE, please, get your reason and do something for those players! because the old CA was TOP !!
Why is the new CA simply better spoken.
It's nice to try and get some updates, graphics, etc., but now it's just in ... reasons are simply, for example: QR (Quarantine Regen) are dead grenades from 120 damage to 72? that poor, and about other things I do not even say mines 20 damage ?? this is a serious thing nowadays the players are mutagens crusher, striker and it is not even kill then ... By the way, all montage are RIP is already.
And I do not understand why VALOFE did not leave the old CA, I see seeing new graphics, look, and you think it's nice that's yes, but maybe not for those players!
Why you simply did not leave the old CA and voted for a new CA that would fail 100%.
As far as the ballot is concerned, I do not know where you want to take 100,000 votes, which is impossible when 3/4 has stopped playing for the new CA.
Maybe it's all just for business, but if you really want to make money, give the old CA. Because now will never spend 400,500,600,300,800 thousand NX (GC), but now it's all for GP which is all about .....
Please go to vote all for old CA !! https://combatarms-c.valofe.eu/ VOTED EVERYDAY AND MAKE COMBAT ARMS AGAING TOPPPP
Last 5 days 13 hours
Do Combat Arms turn OPPPPP !!!
And VALOFE, please, get your reason and do something for those players! because the old CA was TOP !!