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Vote for old CA!!!
Nearly 8% last time I checked. I wish the goal would be achieved, but it won't at some time because not enough people voted. And the fact that there are actually some folks out there that want this Reloaded state to remain, which really disgusts me.
What does bring back CA Classic even mean? I don't want them to get rid of the matchmaking code. It's the best thing they added to the game in a long time. We should be looking forward, not back. The pros of Reloaded far outweigh the cons and they could just fix the cons...
Just throwing this out here.
An Official Discussion Thread has been made for the vote to bring back CA Classic.
It can be found in the News Section of the forums:
[removed] [News, Thread Title: "Official Discussion Thread for Vote for Combat Arms: the Classic!"]
Additionally a News Page has been added to the main site and a Facebook post was added so everyone can easily find it now![CA:R Official Staff & Mod List]
[CA:C Official Staff & Mod List]
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