If you at Valofe really want people t enjoy this close beta test make sure you guys eliminate Elite Mod from this test. A lot of people re being rage kick out of nothing. There are no hacks here so the reason is racism, profanity and its completely out of hand. NEXON took out the Elite Mod because people were abusing it and here we are experiencing the same thing. This item should only be made available to real high ranks only. No CASH SHOP, NO RENTAL IT SHOULD BE EARN AS HIGH RANK ONLY LIKE LTC AND ABOVE. You want this to succeed, next beta test take it off and let people actually enjoy the game. People used to cry hacks and kicks now we know all we have is a trash community of cry babies kicking because they are losing. As of right now, this game is not worth one cent or one minute of game play. Classic is utter trash catering to Elite mod abusers only specially when shop is not working for a lot of people. TAKE THAT SHIT OFF the shop WHILE TESTING and when you release the client, only give it to high rank players who have earned it.
And for crying out loud monitor/police/play your game once in a while so you can actually see what the fk is going on. This absence from you guys only show that you don't care, and if you don't give a shit neither will we.
And for crying out loud monitor/police/play your game once in a while so you can actually see what the fk is going on. This absence from you guys only show that you don't care, and if you don't give a shit neither will we.